New Mac had been working with Acciona Australia for several years, delivering video assets that document the construction of its wind farm projects. However, the social and community impacts of these projects were stories begging to be told.
Director: Travis Crosbie DOP: Simon Davies Producer: Luke Clark Assets: Hero film
ACCIONA Australia is now considered a leader across ACCIONA globally for video storytelling and communicating social impact, and its content is seen as best practice. These videos are leveraged for business development to illustrate tangible examples of how ACCIONA works directly with the communities in which it operates to create long term value. These real life stories, told by community members, add an extra layer of authenticity to ACCIONA’s brand narrative and according to Emma Reiners, General Manager, Brand & Marketing at ACCIONA, “...artfully articulate [its] point of difference.”
These real life stories, told by community members, add an extra layer of authenticity to ACCIONA’s brand narrative